Ode to the Black Rose

Careful, or you'll end up in my novel

Gotta love t-shirt slogans and this one "Careful, or you'll end up in my novel" is one of my favorites. And actually very true in my Woodmont Mystery Series. Some of the characters are people I know, my poor unsuspecting relatives and friends. lol Uncle Phil Grandville is based on one of my uncles. Roy Grandville is based on one of my many cousins. Several of the other characters have traits of people I know. Some of them I like and some well, you know what happens in a mystery novel when there are plenty of places to bury a body. lol Now I don't mean anyone who reads these books will figure out the intended victim, I mean suspect, I mean character... but I'm sure some readers will wonder if that's so-n-so across the street. So, be careful or you'll end up in my novel. (((insert weird laugh)))